use rayon::prelude::*; use std::ops::{Add, Index, IndexMut, Sub}; pub enum ReadError { BadSymbol, } pub enum Error { Read(ReadError), BadPopSize, BadMut, BadCrossRatio, BadMove(Pos), } type Result = std::result::Result; #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] enum Direction { U, D, L, R, } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] enum Cell { Wall, Box, Goal(bool), None, } #[derive(PartialEq, Clone)] enum Solution { Ok, Win, None, } #[derive(PartialEq, Default, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Pos(isize, isize); impl Add for Pos { type Output = Self; fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self { Self(self.0 + other.0, self.1 + other.1) } } impl Sub for Pos { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self { Self(self.0 - other.0, self.1 - other.1) } } impl std::fmt::Display for Pos { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{} {}", self.0, self.1) } } impl std::fmt::Display for ReadError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { ReadError::BadSymbol => write!(f, "bad symbol"), } } } impl std::fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Error::Read(e) => write!(f, "{e}"), Error::BadPopSize => write!(f, "population size cannot be 0"), Error::BadMut => write!(f, "mutation length too large"), Error::BadCrossRatio => write!(f, "crossover ratio cannot be 0"), Error::BadMove(pos) => write!(f, "invalid move ({pos})"), } } } #[derive(Clone, Default)] struct Level { size: Pos, player: Pos, map: Vec, } impl Index for Level { type Output = Cell; fn index(&self, pos: Pos) -> &Self::Output { &[((pos.1 * self.size.0) + pos.0) as usize] } } impl IndexMut for Level { fn index_mut(&mut self, pos: Pos) -> &mut Self::Output { &mut[((pos.1 * self.size.0) + pos.0) as usize] } } impl std::fmt::Display for Level { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { for i in 0..self.size.1 { for j in 0..self.size.0 { if Pos(j, i) == self.player { write!(f, "@")?; } else { write!( f, "{}", match self[Pos(j, i)] { Cell::Wall => 'X', Cell::Box => '*', Cell::Goal(true) => '!', Cell::Goal(false) => '.', Cell::None => ' ', } )?; } } writeln!(f)?; } Ok(()) } } impl Level { fn read(file: R) -> std::result::Result { let (mut player, mut size) = (Pos::default(), Pos::default()); let map = file .lines() .flat_map(|l| { let l = l.unwrap(); if l.len() > size.0 as usize { size.0 = l.len() as isize; } size.1 += 1; l.char_indices() .map(|(i, c)| match c { '@' => { player.0 = i as isize; player.1 = size.1 - 1; Ok(Cell::None) } 'X' => Ok(Cell::Wall), '*' => Ok(Cell::Box), 'g' => Ok(Cell::Goal(false)), '.' => Ok(Cell::None), _ => Err(ReadError::BadSymbol), }) .collect::>>() }) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(Self { size, player, map }) } fn read_rle(map: String) -> std::result::Result { let mut n: usize = 1; Self::read( map.chars() .filter_map(|c| match c { '0'..='9' => { n = c.to_digit(10).unwrap() as usize; None } '|' => Some("\n".into()), _ => Some(c.to_string().repeat(n)), }) .collect::>() .join("") .as_bytes(), ) } } #[derive(Clone, Default)] struct State { lvl: Level, } impl State { fn new(lvl: Level) -> Self { State { lvl } } fn toggle_box(&mut self, pos: Pos) { self.lvl[pos] = if self.lvl[pos] == Cell::Goal(true) { Cell::Goal(false) } else { Cell::None }; } fn move_pos(&mut self, pos: Pos) -> Result<(bool, bool)> { let dpos = self.lvl.player + pos; if ((dpos.1 * self.lvl.size.0) + dpos.0) as usize >= { return Err(Error::BadMove(dpos)); } match self.lvl[dpos] { Cell::None | Cell::Goal(false) => self.lvl.player = dpos, Cell::Box | Cell::Goal(true) => { let bpos = dpos + pos; match self.lvl[bpos] { Cell::None => { self.toggle_box(dpos); self.lvl[bpos] = Cell::Box; self.lvl.player = dpos; return Ok((false, false)); } Cell::Goal(false) => { self.toggle_box(dpos); self.lvl[bpos] = Cell::Goal(true); self.lvl.player = dpos; return Ok((true, false)); } _ => return Ok((false, true)), } } _ => return Ok((false, true)), } Ok((false, false)) } fn move_dir(&mut self, dir: Direction) -> Result<(bool, bool)> { match dir { Direction::U => self.move_pos(Pos(0, -1)), Direction::D => self.move_pos(Pos(0, 1)), Direction::L => self.move_pos(Pos(-1, 0)), Direction::R => self.move_pos(Pos(1, 0)), } } fn test_box(&self, pos: Pos, bt: bool) -> bool { let dir: &[Pos] = &[Pos(0, -1), Pos(0, 1), Pos(-1, 0), Pos(1, 0)]; let mut mbc = 0; for i in dir { match self.lvl[pos + *i] { Cell::Goal(false) | Cell::None => { let dpos = pos - *i; match self.lvl[dpos] { Cell::Goal(false) | Cell::None => mbc += 1, Cell::Box => { if bt { mbc += self.test_box(dpos, false) as usize } } _ => (), } } _ => (), } } mbc != 0 } fn dist_box(&self, pos: Pos) -> usize { let mut d = 0; for i in 0..self.lvl.size.1 { for j in 0..self.lvl.size.0 { if self.lvl[Pos(j, i)] == Cell::Goal(false) { d += ((j as i32 - pos.0 as i32).abs() + (i as i32 - pos.1 as i32).abs()) as usize; } } } d } fn dist_boxes(&self) -> usize { let (mut max, mut rb) = (0, 0); for i in 0..self.lvl.size.1 { for j in 0..self.lvl.size.0 { if self.lvl[Pos(j, i)] == Cell::Box { max += self.dist_box(Pos(j, i)); rb += 1; } } } max * rb } fn evaluate(&self) -> Solution { let mut cond = Solution::Win; for i in 0..self.lvl.size.1 { for j in 0..self.lvl.size.0 { match self.lvl[Pos(j, i)] { Cell::Goal(false) => cond = Solution::Ok, Cell::Box => { if !self.test_box(Pos(j, i), true) { return Solution::None; } } _ => (), } } } cond } } #[derive(Clone)] struct Agent { state: State, dna: Vec, score: f32, dir: usize, goal: Solution, } impl Agent { const DIR_TABLE: &'static [Direction] = &[Direction::U, Direction::D, Direction::L, Direction::R]; fn chromo() -> Direction { Self::DIR_TABLE[rand::random::() % Self::DIR_TABLE.len()] } fn with_dna(state: State, dna: Vec) -> Self { Self { state, dna, score: 0.0, dir: 0, goal: Solution::Ok, } } fn new(state: State, size: usize) -> Self { let dna: Vec = (0..size).map(|_| Self::chromo()).collect(); Self::with_dna(state, dna) } fn cross(&mut self, seed: &Self, cr: usize) { let ratio = (rand::random::() % cr) + 1; let len = self.dna.len(); self.dna[..len / ratio].copy_from_slice(&seed.dna[..len / ratio]); } fn mutate(&mut self, max: usize) { let len = self.dna.len(); let ni = rand::random::() % max; let nd = rand::random::() % len; for x in { self.dna[(nd + x) % len] = Agent::chromo(); } } fn move_dna(&mut self) -> Result { if self.dir == self.dna.len() || self.goal == Solution::None { Ok(Solution::None) } else { let (mb, hit) = self.state.move_dir(self.dna[self.dir])?; if mb { self.score += 0.00021; } if hit { self.score -= 0.00080; } self.dir += 1; Ok(self.state.evaluate()) } } fn evaluate(&mut self) -> Result<()> { loop { let player = self.state.lvl.player; match self.move_dna()? { Solution::Ok => (), Solution::Win => { self.score += 100000.0; self.goal = Solution::Win; break; } Solution::None => { self.score -= 0.0032; self.goal = Solution::None; break; } } if player == self.state.lvl.player { self.score -= 0.0010; } } self.score -= 1024.0 + self.state.dist_boxes() as f32; Ok(()) } fn solution(&self) -> String { (0..self.dir) .map(|i| match self.dna[i] { Direction::U => "U", Direction::D => "D", Direction::L => "L", Direction::R => "R", }) .collect() } } struct Population { gen: usize, epop_max: usize, mut_max: usize, cross_ratio: usize, map: Level, life: Vec, } pub struct Config { pub num_threads: usize, pub dna_size: usize, pub pop_size: usize, pub epop_max: usize, pub mut_max: usize, pub gen_max: usize, pub gen_depth: usize, pub cross_ratio: usize, pub map_output: bool, } impl Population { fn new(config: &Config, map: Level) -> Self { let life: Vec = (0..config.pop_size) .map(|_| Agent::new(State::new(map.clone()), config.dna_size)) .collect(); Self { gen: 0, epop_max: config.epop_max, mut_max: config.mut_max, cross_ratio: config.cross_ratio, map, life, } } fn step(&mut self) -> Result<()> { .par_iter_mut() .map(|a| a.evaluate()) .collect::>>()?;|a, b| b.score.total_cmp(&a.score)); if[0].goal != Solution::Win { let epop: Vec = (0..self.epop_max) .map(|i| { let mut a =[i].clone(); a.cross( if i % 2 == 0 { &[(i + 1) % self.epop_max] } else { &[(i - 1) % self.epop_max] }, self.cross_ratio, ); a }) .collect(); for i in epop.len() { let mut next = Agent::with_dna( State::new(, if i % 2 == 0 { epop[i % self.epop_max].dna.clone() } else { epop[(i + 1) % self.epop_max].dna.clone() }, ); next.mutate(self.mut_max);[i] = next; } } self.gen += 1; Ok(()) } } pub fn run(config: Config, rle: Option) -> Result<()> { rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .num_threads(config.num_threads) .build_global() .unwrap(); if config.pop_size == 0 { return Err(Error::BadPopSize); } if config.mut_max > config.dna_size { return Err(Error::BadMut); } if config.cross_ratio == 0 { return Err(Error::BadCrossRatio); } let map = if let Some(rle) = rle { Level::read_rle(rle) } else { Level::read(std::io::stdin().lock()) } .map_err(Error::Read)?; let mut agents: Vec = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..config.gen_depth { let mut pop = Population::new(&config, map.clone()); if let Some(agent) = || -> Result> { while pop.gen < config.gen_max { pop.step()?; if config.map_output { print!("{}",[0].state.lvl); } println!("gen {} score {}", pop.gen,[0].score); if[0].goal == Solution::Win { return Ok(Some([0].clone())); } } Ok(None) }()? { agents.push(agent); } } agents.par_sort_by_key(|a| a.dir); if !agents.is_empty() { println!("{}", agents[0].solution()); } Ok(()) }